Ordinances ZONING ORDINANCEAPPROVED - TOWN MAP WITH ZONING 2-6-18ZONING LAND USE MATRIXG-24-01- An Ordinance Repealing the Old Personnel Manual and Establishing a New Personnel Manual ( Revised 12-2023)G-24-02 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND G-21-13 FOR USE OF AMERICAN RESCUE FUNDG-24-03 AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE TOWN OF GEORGETOWN INDIANAG-24-04 ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATESG-24-05 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OVERSIGHT AND MANAGEMENT OF STORM WATER AND REPEALING ORDINANCE G-12-02G-24-06 AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES AND WAGES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR CALENDAR 2025Proclamation - HYR Champions Day AUGUST 6Ordinance G-23-01 An Ordinance Repealing Ordinances G-08-02 AND G-10-10Ordinance G-23-02 An Ordinance Creating The Position of Town Manager And For The Hiring Of A Town Manager For The TownOrdinance G-23-03 An Ordinance To Establish A Non-Reverting Fund For The Receipt of Community Cossing Funds For The Town Of Georgetown, IndianaOrdinance G-23-04 An Ordinance Pertaining To Map Amendments To The Town Of Georgetown, Indiana Zoning OrdinanceG-23-05 INCREASED TRASH RATESG-23-06 An Ordinance Establishing the Capital Improvement FundG-23-07 An Ordinance Establishing the Community Investor FundG-23-08- An Ordinance Permitting and Regulating Mobile Food VendorsG-23-09-An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance G-11-07G-23-10 AN ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATESg-23-11- Repealing G-16-03 and Establishing a New Travel Policy.G-23-12 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEV CONTROLLED BY AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONG-23-13 AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2024G-22-01 - ORDINANCE FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION - ARPA FUNDSG-22-03 - ORDINANCE FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION - RDC - TIF FUNDSG-21-01 TO INCREASE THE THRESHOLD THAT APPLIES TO THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER IC 36-1-11-5G-21-02 REGARDING A COVID-19 POLICY AND RELATED TIME OFFG-21-03 ESTABLISHING A NEW RATE FOR SEWER CAPACITY FEES FOR APARTMENTSG-21-05 ORDINANCE TO REPEAL ORDINANCE G-17-06 ESTABLISHING A MAIN STREET FUNDG-21-06 REPEALING G-04-19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING G-03-04 - SKATEBOARDSG-21-07 TO ESTABLISH A FUND FOR THE RECEIPT OF COMMUNITY CROSSINGS FUNDSG-21-08 TO ESTABLISH A FUND FOR RECEIPT OF FUNDING FROM THE AMERCIAN RESCUE PLANG-21-09 REGULATAE OVERNIGHT PARKING ON TOWN PROPERTYG-21-10 REPEALING G-21-07 AND TO ESTABLISH A FUND FOR THE RECEIPT OF COMMUNITY CROSSINGS FUNDSG-21-11 ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATESG-21-12 SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2022G-21-13 - TO ESTABLISH A PLAN FOR AMERICAN RESCUE FUNDG-20-01 DISSOLVING THE BUILDING COMMISSIONG-20-02 REPEALING G-07-01 - TOW IN FEESG-20-03 ADOPTING AND IMPLEMENTING INTERNAL CONTROLSG-20-04 REGARDING ANIMAL CONTROL AND REPEALING G-05-26G-20-05 ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2021G-20-06 REALING 2% LANGUAGE IN ORDINANCE G-18-04G-20-07 SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2021G-19-01 ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2020G-19-02 SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2020G-18-1_ SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2018G-18-01A AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS SEWER WORKSG-18-02 ALLOWING CLERK-TREASURER TO MAKE INVESTMENTSG-18-03 EQUITABLE FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY SEWER WORKS RECORDED COPYG-18-03 EQUITABLE FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY SEWER WORKSG-18-04 NEW RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE CAPACITY FEES RECORDED COPYG-18-04 NEW RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE CAPACITY FEESG-18-06 DEADLINE FOR SEWER BILL PAYMENTSG-18-07 REPEALING BUSINESS PERMIT FEESG-18-08 REPEALING CERTAIN WATER UTILITY RELATED ORDINANCESG-18-09 APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2019G-18-10 AMENDING G-15-22, AND G-14-01 - SEWER SERVICE JURISDICTIONG-18-11 EQUITABLE FEES FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY SEWER WORKSG-18-12 SALARIES FOR 2019G-18-13 REPEALING ORDINANCE G-04-37G-18-14 PRIMARY ELECTIONSG-18-15 ADOPTING NEW CODE OF ORDINANCESOrder of the Commission – IURC SEWER SERVICE COVERING AREAS OF FLOYD COUNTYG-17-01 APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2018G-17-2 PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF FIRE HYDRANT RENTAL COSTSG-17-03 ESTABLISHING A NONREVERTING TRUST FUND FOR PROCEEDS FROM WATERWORKS SALEG-17-04 REPEALING G-17-02 AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF FIRE HYDRANT RENTAL COSTSG-17-05 ESTABLISHING DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT AND THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONG-17-06 ESTABLISH NON-REVERTING FUND FOR DESTINATION GEORGETOWN A MAIN STREET PROGRAMG-17-07 SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2018G-16-03 FIXING MILAGE AND TRAVEL RATESG-16-04 SEWER REVIEW FEEG-16-05 APPRAISAL OF WATER UTILITYG-16-06 REGARDING NOISE AND SUPERSEDING & REPEALING G-04-18G-16-07 FUND FOR LOIT SPECIAL DISTRIBUTIONSG-16-08 FLOOD HAZARD AREASG-16-09 APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2017 (REPEALED)G-16-10 REPEALING G-16-09G-16-11 APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2017G-16-12 WAIVING LATE FEES FOR BILLS PAID BY TOWNSHIP TRUSTEEG-16-13 APPROVING SALE OF WATER UTILITYG-16-14 SALARIES AND WAGES FOR 2017G-16-15 AMENDING G-05-07 SEWER CAPACITY FEES REPEALED 2-20-18G-15-01 REPEALING G-14-09G-15-02 EMPLOYEE RAISES FOR 2015G-15-03 REPEAL G-91-10G-15-04 WATER LEAK ADJUSTMENT POLICYG-15-05 WATER METER READING AND CUSTOMER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESG-15-06 REPEAL G-08-23G-15-08 RENTAL AND USE OF BIBB METERSG-15-09 REPEAL G-12-07G-15-10 REPEAL G-12-03G-15-11 AMEND G-10-20 TO REMOVE SALARY OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERG-15-12 SALARY OF BUILDING COMMISSIONER & ZONING ADMINISTRATORG-15-13 DEPUTY BUILDING INSPECTORG-15-17 AMENDING G-15-08G-15-18 AMENDING G-04-13G-15-19 FAIR HOUSING ORDINANCE; SUPERSEDING AND REPEALING G-03-05G-15-20 DRUG FREE WORKPLACEG-15-21 APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES FOR 2016G-15-22 AMENDING G-14-01 SEWER BOUNDARY MAPG-15-23 LOANING MONEY FROM WASTERWATER OPERATING FUND TO THE MS4 STORMWATER FUNDG-15-24 AMENDING ORDINANCE G-05-30G-15-25 FORMALLY ADOPTING PROPERTY IN GUERING-15-26 SALARY AND WAGES FOR 2016G14-01 Sewer JurisdictionG14-02 Amending Voting DistrictsG14-03 Rezoning 8384-8390 St Rd 64G14-06 ESTABLISHING JURISDICTION FOR SEWER SERVICEG14-07 Additional AppropriationsG14-08 2015 BudgetG14-09 A ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE YEAR 2015G-13-01 Waiving late fee-Gtown trustee paysG-13-02 Repealing G-12-08 Regulating Nepotism Implementing Revised PolicyG-13-04 Imposing Moratorium on Pain Management ClinicsG-13-05 Repealing Ord G-12-06 Softball Leagues and TournamentsG-13-06 Creating a Cross Connection Control ProgramG-13-07 Weed Removal Amending Ord G-09-09G-13-08 Establishing Copy FeeG-13-10 Amending G-08-05 for control of the Towns UtilitiesG-13-11 Establishing a Stormwater Review FeeG-13-12 Budget 2014G-13-13 COLLECTION POLICY FOR OVERDUE ACCOUNTSG-13-14 SALARIES FOR 2014G-13-15 Amening 05-15G-12-01 Establishing Storm Water Management & Board of DirectorsG-12-02 Regulating the oversight & management of storm waterG-12-03 Salary for Building CommissionerG-12-04 Repealing ord G-11-03G-12-05 Amending G-05-33 and G-08-08 placing Town Council Member as supervisor of operations and promotions of the parkG-12-06 Amending G-08-08 Softball leagues and tournamentsG-12-07 Amending G-08-23 Summer Sewer ReliefG-12-08 Regulating Nepotism for the TownG-12-09 Repealing the Unsafe Building FundG-12-10 Amending G-08-11 REgulating Peddlers, Solicitors and CanvassersG-12-11 Amending Ord G-09-09 Weed RemovalG-12-12 Formally Accepting and Adopting Autumn Dr Brookstone Way Brookstone Ct Oakstone Dr into TownG-12-13 Authorizing additional appropriationsG-12-14 Water Rate IncreaseG-12-15 2013 Budget AdoptionG-12-16 Closing Waste Water Improvement FundG-12-17 One-Time Bonus for EmployeesG-12-18 Ord rescinding G-12-17 One Time Bonus for EmployeesG-12-19 Ord for Flood hazard AreasG-12-20 One-Time Longevity Bonus for EmployeesG-12-21 Ord Providing the Wages of EmployeesG-12-22 Amending G-02-18 Defining Voting Districts in Town FILEDG-12-22 Amending G-02-18 Defining Voting Districts in TownG-12-23 Amending G-12-21 Regarding Salaries and WagesG-11-01 Establishing Public Health Safeguard for food establishment and bed-breakfast in FCG-11-02 Appointing building commissioner to the position of zoning admin.blasting notificaitonG-11-03 Adopting Anti-nepotism for elected officials and town employeesG-11-04.pdf Personnel Policies ManualG-11-06 Establishing fees for sewer and decreasing feesG-11-07 Modifying Police schedule week to 40 hrsG-11-08 Loaning Money from Rainy Day Fund to Water OperG-11-09 Closing water construction fund #602 and repealing ord g-04-35G-11-10 Authorizing the construction of sewer works and complying with IC 36-9-23-10G-11-13 Authorizing additional appropriationsG-11-14 Authorizing Additional Appropriations for SE quadrant sewer constG-11-15 2012 BudgetG-11-16 Concerning Temporary SignsG-10-01 Supplement G-09-11 Concerns... Sewage WorksG-10-02 Annexing Real Estate into Town (Youtsey)G-10-03 Revolking and or repealing ord 09G-10-04 Approving sale of non-surplus property broadband equipmentG-10-05 Tattoo and Body PiercingG-10-06 Ratifying Amendments to Floyd County Ord 1997-FCO-XIG-10-07 Regulating the disposal of dead animalsG-10-08 Establishing payment of lieu of taxes by Gtown municipal sewer utilityG-10-09 Appropriations and Tax RatesG-10-10 Modifying G05-33 -G08-08 placing public works director parks systemG-10-11 Appropriations and Tax RatesG-10-12 Water Utility Rate Change Amending G-04-32 and G-01-10G-10-13 Staggered Elected Official TermG-10-14 Amending and Establishing purchasing guidelinesG-10-16 Fire Sprinkler ServiceG-10-17 Builder Landscaping ReliefG-10-18 Building CommissionerG-10-19 Clerk-Treasurers Deputy ClerksG-10-20 Compensation FreezeG-10-20. appointing building commissioner - executive director of pc pdfG10-21 ZEROING BROADBAND ACCTG-10-21 Loaning Money from Water Construciton to MS4G09-01 Overview of Roles, Responsibilities and Rules for elected OfficialsG09-03 Red Flag Complinace and Identity Theft Policy_000G-09-04 The Suppression of Disease in unlicensed child care faclities_000G-09-05 Weed RemovalG09-06 Amending G08-15 Legal Description of AnnexationG-09-07 Authorizing Entity to be a DebtorG-09-08 Provide internet protocol enabled services including broadbandG09-09 Weed RemovalG-09-10 BudgetG-09-11 Concerning construction to Sewage WorksG-09-12 Loaning money from water construction to broadbandG-09-13 Authorizing purchase of Youtsey Tracts for WWTPG08-01 Dissolving Position of Town ManagerG08-02 Establishing Public Works DirectorG08-05 Reaffirming Ordinances Providing for Control of Pulic UtilitesG08-06 Reaffirming Previous Ordinances for Utility ImprovementsG08-07 Authorizing Construction of Sewage WorksG08-08 Softball LeaguesG08-09 Authorizing Litigation in Waste Treatment MattersG08-10 Garbage Collection PoliciesG08-10 Revoking 07-07G08-11 Regulating Peddlers, Solicitors and CanvasersG08-12 Loaning Money from Rainy Day to GeneralG08-13 Authorizing Electronic TransfersG08-14 Public Health Safeguards for Food EstablishmentsG08-15 Annexing Certain Real Estate into TownG08-16 Actual Cost for Water ConnectionG08-17 Loaning money from Water Construction to InternetG08-18 Formally Accepting Copperfield Dr, Cove Way, Carter Dr and Hidden Springs DrG08-19 Loaning Money from Gaming to GeneralG08-20 Budget for 2009G08-21 Amending G04-27 Town Hall HoursG08-23 Summer Sewer Relief OrdinanceG08-26 Broadband RateG08-27 Loaning Money from Water Construction to SanitatonG07-01 Establishing Vehicle Tow-In FeeG07-02 New Payroll Structure for Police OfficersG07-03 Creating Position of Secretary to the Town ManagerG07-04 Amending Zoning Ordinance for Lot Width MeasurementG07-05 Amending Zoning Ordinance Providing for Lot SurveyingG07-07 Annexing Certain Real EstateG07-08 Amending 06-26 Sewage BANG07-09 Amending ZoningG07-10 Amending 04-42 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses for EmployeesG07-11 Broadband RefundsG07-11 Broadband Refunds - CopyG07-12 Creating Broadband Utlilty OperatorG07-13 Exempting an Existing Septic Tank Serviced PropertyG07-15 Refunding 1998 Sewage BondsG07-16 Loaning Money from CCI to GeneralG07-17 Amending Garbage Collection from Multi Family BuildingsG07-18 Repealing 07-16 and Gifting to GeneralG07-19 Loaning Money from Rainy Day to GeneralG07-20 Repealing Portions 06-38 and Confirming 06-37G07-21 On Call ProceduresG07-22 Loaning Money from Rainy Day to GeneralG07-23 Formal Job Description for Town ManagerG07-24 Naming the Police StationG07-25 Additional Appropriations for MVH FundG07-26 Loaning Money from Gaming to GeneralG07-27 Exempting Existing Septic TankG07-29 Amending Garbage RatesG07-30 Annexing TerritoryG07-31 Loaning Money from Gaming to GeneralG07-32 Amending 06-26 Sewage BANG07-33 Clarifying Requirements for Businesses to be LicensedG06-01 Amending Zoning for Cul de sacsG06-02 Prohibiting Parking In, Around & Above UtilitiesG06-03 Employee use of Town Credit CardsG06-04 Vehicle Inspection FeeG06-05 Ball Park FeesG06-06 Change on Utility Account due to death of spouseG06-07 Establishing Fire Protection DistrictG06-08 Prohibiting Construction Traffic on Oakstone WayG06-09 Due Process for Employees and WorkersG06-10 Water System Tampering Penalty FinesG06-11 Prohibiting Parking on Public StreetsG06-12 Inspector Initiated InspectionsG06-13 Outlawing LitteringG06-14 Amending Language Re Sidewalks Curbs WalkwaysG06-15 Requiring Tracing Wire-Tape on Water-Sewer MainsG06-16 Exercise of Confidentiality for Town Officials and EmployeesG06-17 Paid Administration Intern PositionG06-18 Clarifying Personnel BenefitsG06-19 Paid Admistration InternG06-20 Annexing Territory Into the TownG06-21 Control of Town's Public UtilitiesG06-22 Zoning Classificaton of Catalpa RidgeG06-23 Changing Zoning Magnolias SubdivisionG06-24 Amending Sewer Rates and Establishing MS4 RatesG06-25 Police Hiring StandardsG06-26 Amending Water Connection FeeG06-26 Issuance of Sewage Revenue BondsG06-27 Eliminating Charges for Excess Garbage ContainersG06-28 Formally Adopt and Accept Shelby CourtG06-29 Creating the Unsafe Building FundG06-30 Wage Increase for Certain EmployeesG06-31 Police Hiring Standards According to State LawG06-32 Repealing G06-20G06-33 Repealing G05-38G06-34 Building CodeG06-35 Permit, Contractor Fees and Establishment of Building CommissionG06-36 Formally Adopt Cristiani Way Phase 2G06-37 Creating Broadband Utility FundG06-38 Amending Broadband Utility Concerning CapitalizationG06-39 Creating Broadband Utility TechnicianG06-40 Personnel Policies Applicable to All EmployeesG05-01 Parking of Larger VehiclesG05-02 Parking of Vehicles for Mail deliveryG05-03 Creating Riverboat Gaming FundG05-04 Loaning Money From FundsG05-05 Sewage Revenue BondsG05-06 Retirement Funds for Employees for Four Years PlusG05-07 New Sewer Capacity FeesG05-10 Discounted Sewer Capacity FeesG05-11 Loaning Money from EDIT to GeneralG05-12 Garbage Rates & CollectionG05-13 Discounted Sewer Tap InsG05-14 Autumn Cove Zoning ClassificationG05-15 Accepting Martin Drive ExtensionG05-16 Changing Summerfield to Crimson CreekG05-17 Enacting Code of OrdinancesG05-18 Operation of Pool Halls, Skating Rinks & Pawn ShopsG05-19 Wages of EmployeesG05-20 Allowing Picnicking at the ParksG05-21 Changing Autumn Cove ZoningG05-22 Water Service Availability FeesG05-23 Omnibus Merit Wage IncreaseG05-25 Dog Control OrdinanceG05-26 Animal Contol OrdinanceG05-27 Stormwater Drainage ManagementG05-28 Annexing Certain LandG05-29 Public Street ConstructionG05-30 Accepting Cristiani WayG05-31 Amending Water DepositsG05-32 Allowing Advertisement in Georgetown GazetteG05-33 Increasing Hours of Clerk Treasurer EmployeeG05-34 Blasting NotificationG05-35 Amending Zoning OrdinanceG05-36 Wages of EmployeesG05-37 Annexing TerritoryG05-38 Annexing TerritoryG04-01 Wage IncreaseG04-02 Additional AppropriationsG04-03 Hiring Town ManagerG04-04 Amending Wage Ordinance 03-18G04-05 Appoint Town Manager as Purchasing AgentG04-06 Designating Purchasing AgentsG04-07 Amending Employee BenefitsG04-08 Wages for EmployeesG04-09 Naming AlleysG04-10 Defining RubbishG04-11 Wage OrdinanceG04-12 Allowing Clk Treas Pay ClaimsG04-13 Clk Treas to Adjust Utility BillsG04-14 Adopting Swimming Pool CodeG04-15 Garbage ItemsG04-16 Amending Zoning OrdinanceG04-17 Garbage Rates & PoliciesG04-18 Noise RestrictionsG04-19 Allow Skateboard UseG04-20 Overtime CompensationG04-21 Payroll RulesG04-22 Loaning Money from FundsG04-23 Loaning Money from FundsG04-24 Building Maintenance StandardsG04-25 Prorating Monthly Utility ChargesG04-27 Adopting Personnel PoliciesG04-28 Animal ControlG04-29 Prohibiting Tampering with Water SystemG04-30 Amending Business PermitsG04-31 Storm Water ProtectionG04-32 Amending Water RatesG04-33 Formally Adopting RoadwaysG04-34 Amending Animal ControlG04-35 Management of Water Tap FeesG04-36 Management of Sewer Tap On FeesG04-37 Annual Employee Christmas PartyG04-39 Accepting Unruh DriveG04-40 Requiring Posting of Street Number SignsG04-41 Establishing Water Availability FeesG04-42 Amending 03-20 Travel ExpensesG04-43 Wages of EmployeesG04-44 Wages of EmployeesG04-45 Creating Sewer Capacity FeesG04-46 Loaning Money From Sewer to WaterG04-47 Parameters for Fixed Asset InventoriesG04-48 Wages of EmployeesG03-01 Amending Zoning 8560 State Rd 64G03-02 Loaning Money from One Fund to AnotherG03-03 Establishing Traffic Direction & Speed LimitsG03-04 Prohibiting Use of Skateboards on Town PropertyG03-05 Fair HousingG03-06 Hiring Police Officer & Standards for HiringG03-07 Extraordinary Items of GarbageG03-08 Officer Disposing of Abandoned VehicleG03-09 Amending Zoning OrdinanceG03-10 Amending Comprehensive PlanG03-11 Establishing Credit Card PolicyG03-12 Wages of EmployeesG03-13 Wages of EmployeesG03-14 Loaning Money from CCI to WaterG03-15 Amending 03-14 Loaning Money from CCI to WaterG03-16 Loaning Money from General to WaterG03-17 Naming Park at 7107 Peachtree LaneG03-18 Wages_000G03-19 Repealing 94-08 Establishing Fee for VehiclesG03-20 Policiy for Reimbursement of Travel ExpensesG03-21 Amending G02-02 & G02-21 Wages of EmployeesG03-22 Wages of EmployeesG03-23 Extension for Repayment of LoanG03-24 Repealing 03-19 Adopting Personnel PoliciesG03-25 Repealing G03-14, 03-15, 03-16G03-26 Repealing G03-18 Prohibiting Firearms in Town HallG03-27 Naming the Town Park at 7107 Peachtree LaneG03-28 Adopting Personnel PoliciesG03-29 Adopting Personnel PoliciesG03-30 Water, Garbage and Sewer ServiceG03-31 Establishing Traffic Direction & SpeedlimitsG03-32 Prohibiting Firearms Inside Town HallG02-01 Wages of EmployeesG02-02 Wages of EmployeesG02-03 Construction and Building PermitsG02-04 Wages of EmployeesG02-05 Deadline of Payment for Water BillsG02-06 Plumbing Fees for Building PermitsG02-09 Additional Compensation for Marshall and DeputiesG02-10 Collection of Garbage FeesG02-14 Wages of EmployeesG02-15 Restricting Water UsageG02-16 Temporary Bank on New Connections to WaterG02-17 Oncall CompensationG02-18 Defining the Boundaries of the Voting DistrictsG02-19 Amending Zoning Classification of Cherry GroveG02-20 Transferring Money from one Buget Classification to AnotherG02-21 Salary Adustment for EmployeeesG01-01 Write off Unpaid Fees and PenaltiesG01-02 Water, Sewer, Garbage RatesG01-03 Sewage Connection & DepositG01-04 Wages of EmployeesG01-05 Wages of EmployeesG01-06 Business Permit FeesG01-07 Wages of EmployeesG01-08 Wages of EmployeesG01-09 Improvement of Waterworks UtilityG01-10 Increase in Water Utility RatesG01-11 Annexing East GeorgetownG01-12 Wages of EmployeesG01-12 Wages of EmployeesG01-13 Wages of Police OfficersG01-14 Wages of EmployeesG01-15 Wages of EmployeesG01-16 Wages of EmployeesG01-17 Wages of The Town CouncilG01-18 Wages of EmployeesG00-01 Allowing Clerk to make PaymentsG00-02 Establishing Deferred Compensation PlanG00-03 Wages of EmployeesG00-04 Establishing Garbage Service ChargesG00-05 Renewal of Cable Franchise AgreementG00-07 Benefits for EmployeesG00-08 Wages of EmployeesG00-09 Wages for Police OfficersG00-10 Wages of Clerk TreasurerG00-11 Wages of EmployeesG00-12 Wages of the CouncilG00-14 Collection of Fees for Services performed by Health DeptG00-15 Creation of Police Forfeiture FundG99-01 Rates for Solid Waste Management & RecyclingG99-02 Increase in Water Utility RatesG99-03 Increase in Water DepositsG99-04 Liquor Retailers PermitsG99-05 Amending Permit FeesG99-06 Amending Standards in Zoning OrdinanceG99-07 Policy for Discontinuation of Water-GarbageG99-08 Policy for Discontinuation of Water-SewerG99-09 Amending Water RatesG99-10 Appt of Reserve Officers and Training RequirementG99-11 Establishing a No Parking Zone on Certain StreetsG99-12 Wages and Approval of Deputy ClerkG99-12 Wages of EmployeesG99-13 Wages of Office EmployeesG99-14 Wages for Police OfficersG99-15 Salary for the ClerkG99-16 Salary for the CouncilG98-01 Establishing Town Asst Superintendent & WagesG98-02 Hire of Deputy Clerk & WagesG98-03 Refunding-Issuance of Sewage BondsG98-04 Regulating On-Site Sewage Disposal SystemsG98-05 Charges for Floyd County Health DeptG98-06 Parking on Streets During Inclement WeatherG98-07 Flood Plain DevelopmentG98-09 Vacating Public AlleywayG98-10 Amending Zoning OrdinanceG98-11 Designating Purchase AgentsG98-12 Purchase of SuppliesG98-13 Floyd County Health Dept ServicesG98-14 Creating Office of the Building CommissionerG98-15 Increase in Holidays for EmployeesG98-16 Wages of EmployeeesG98-17 Wages of EmployeesG98-18 Wages of Police DepartmentG98-19 Salary of the CouncilG98-20 Salary fo ClerkG97-01 Salary of Clerk TreasurerG97-02 Wages of EmployeesG97-03 Medical Insurance for ClerkG97-04 Assistant Utility Clerk & WagesG97-05 Wages of EmployeesG97-06 Wages of EmployeesG97-07 Sewage RatesG97-08 Wages of EmployeesG97-09 Wages of Police DeptG97-10 Wages of EmployeesG97-11 Salary of CouncilG97-12 Providing for Salary of ClerkG97-15 Sewage Tap On FeesG96-01 Hiring of Deputy ClerksG96-02 Appointment of Reserve DeputiesG96-03 Use of Town Hall Parking Lot by CitizensG96-03 Annexing Area East of GeorgetownG96-04 Fees for Photographs taken by Georgetown PoliceG96-05 Increase in Water Tap FeesG96-06 Increase in Water RatesG96-07 Billing Connection Disconnection Reconnection for WaterG96-08 Town Superintendent AssistantG96-09 Clerk Treasurer Employees 2G96-10 Amending 96 02G96-11 Temporary Deputy ClerkG96-12 TransfersG96-13 Repealing 96-03G96-14 Increase in Compensation for SuperintendentG96-14A Repealing 93-06G96-16 Policeman's Bill of RightsG96-17 Wages of Police DepartmentG96-18 Wages of EmployeesG96-19 Wages of EmployeesG96-20 Salary of Clerk TreasurerG96-21 Salary of Town CouncilG-95-01 Designate Handicap Parking AreasG-95-02 Ordinance Removing Towns Water from IURCG-95-03 Refuse Garbage ServiceG-95-04 Amending 94 13 Police SalariesG-95-05 Equal Opportunity Fair HousingG-95-06 Salaries of Police DepartmentG-95-07 Salary of Clerical Employee of Sewage WorksG-95-08 Increase of SalariesG-95-09 Adopting Comprehensive PlanG-95-10 Adopting Zoning OrdinanceG-95-11 Adopting Subdivision RegulationsG-95-12 Salaries of Town EmployeesG-95-13 Salaries of Police DepartmentG-95-14 Annexing area West of GeorgetownG-94 Amending Sewer Use 92 04G-94-02 Merit Bill of Rights for PoliceG-94-03 Land UseG-94-04 Regulating Use of Town ParksG-94-05 Speed Limits for Streets and AlleysG-94-08 Establishing Vehicle Inspection FeeG-94-09 Establishing Fee for Accident ReportsG-94-10 Amending 93 03 Salaries of EmployeesG-94-11 SidewalksG-94-12 Salaries of EmployeesG-94-13 Amending 91 15 Salaries for Police DeptG-94-14 Increase in Salary for Town CouncilG-94-15 Regulating ParkingG-94-16 Establishing Advisory Plan CommissionG-94-17 Amending 91 05G-94-18 No Loitering Zone Near Volunteer Fire DepartmentG-94-19 No Loitering Near Marshals DepartmentG-94-20 Requiring Underground Electrical Lines to be MarkedG-94-21 Salaries of EmployeesG-94-22 Increase of SalariesG-94-23 Paid Vacation for Clerk Officers and EmployeesG-94-24 Loan from Sewer to the TownG-94-25 Disposal of Trash CarsG-94-26 Employee BenefitsG-94-27 Increase of Salaries for EmployeesG-93-01 Annexing BrookstoneG-93-02 Amening Sewer Rate and UseG-93-03 Increase of SalariesG-93-04 Salaries of Police DeptG-93-05 Salaries of EmployeesG-93-06 Merit System for Police DeptG-93-07 Increase in Salaries of Town CouncilG-93-08 Vacation for Clerk Officers and EmployeesG-92-01 Budget TransferG-92-02 Creating Office of the Building CommissionerG-92-03 Sewer Rates and ChargesG-92-04 Regulating Use of Public Private SewersG-92-05 Penalties for Violations of 92 04G-92-06 Financing Improvements to SewerG-92-07 Establishing Sewage Works ConstructionG-92-08 Accumulation of Sick Leave DaysG-92-09 Salaries of Town EmployeesG-92-10 Salary of Police DeptG-92-11 Salaries of Town CouncilG-92-12 Salary of Clerk TreasurerG-92-13 Execution of Agreement with New AlbanyG-92-14 Financing Sewage Works ProjectG-92-15 Garbage Service ChargesG-92-16 Salary of Clerk Treasurer and Utility ClerkG-92-17 Benefits of EmployeesG-92-18 Budget and Appropriate Funds from GeneralG-91-01 Increase of SalariesG-91-02 Increase of SalariesG-91-03 Providing Benefits for EmployeesG-91-04 AnnexationG-91-07 Transfer of Budget ClassificationG-91-08 Transfer of Budget ClassificationG-91-09 Regulation of Weeds Grass VegatationG-91-10 Establish Procedures for the reading of Water MetersG-91-11 Transfer of Budget ClassificationG-91-13 Requiring Conspicious Posting of House NumbersG-91-14 Increase of SalariesG-91-15 Increase of SalariesG-91-16 Increas of SalariesG-91-17 Transfer of Budget ClassificationG-90-01 Cable Television SystemG-90-02 Cable Ownership Rights ChangedG-90-03 Prohibiting Discharge of FirearmsG-90-04 Financing Sewer ImprovementsG-90-05 Amendment to Sewage TreatmentG-90-06 Establishing Fund for Holiday Drunk Driving EnforcementG-90-07 Establishing Garbage ChargesG-89-0 Increase of SalariesG-89-01 Ammending 88-03 for Garbage ChargesG-89-01 Forbidding the Discharge of any Sewage, Ind Waste or Polluted WatersG-89-02 Forbidding the Issuance or Renewal of a Business Permit without sufficient off-street parkingG-89-03 Additional AppropriationsG-89-03 Amending 88-01 Garbage Service ChargesG-89-04 Prohibiting ParkingG-89-05 Increase of Salary for Town ClerkG-89-06 Establishing Garbage Charges for Residential & CommercialG-88-02 Fee for Inspection of VehiclesG-88-03 Establishing Refuse Garbage Service ChargesG-88-04 Increase of SalariesG-88-05 Increase of SalariesG-88-06 TransfersG-88-07 Ammending 79-03 Regulating Amusement MachinesG-87 Amending and Supplementing Ordinance Granting Cable FranchiseG-87 Setback Requirements for Volunteer Fire DeptG-85 Annexation April 8G-85 Annexation January 14G-85 Garbage and Refuse Collection FeeG-85-01 Regulation of Mobile HomesG-85-02 Licensing Management of Dogs CatsG-85-03 Increase of SalariesG-85-04 Deposits for Water ServiceG-85-05 Establishing Refuse Garbage ServicesG-85-07 Issuance of Building PermitsG-84 Annexation May 14G-84 Annexation Oct 8G-84 AnnexationG-84-01 Providing for the Inspection Repair or Removal of Unsafe BuildingsG-83-01 Regulation of Bicycles Horses on SidewalksG-82-01 Regulating Mobile HomesG-81-01 Flood Damage PreventionG-81-02 Appt Special Deputies Cleaning Allowance of UniformsG-79-01 Traffic Flow on Martin DrG-79-02 Use of Town StreetsG-79-03 Licensing the Use of Amusement MachinesG-79-04 Requiring Voter Registration of Town ElectionsG-79-05 Allowing Commercial UseG-79-06 Allowing Commercial UseG-79-07 Use of City ParksG-78-01 Equal Opportunity Fair HousingG-78-02 Traffic Flow on Sara LaneG-78-03 Traffic Flow on Roy St Kelly AveG-78-04 Parking Unlicensed Vehicles TrafficG-78-05 Peddlers Solicitors and CanvassersG-78-06 Regulating Mobile HomesG-76 Correcting Annexation DescriptionG-76-01 Authorizing Town Marshall to appoint deputy marshallsG-76-02 Liquor Retail PermitsG-75 Extending Corporate LimitsG-75 Flood AreasG-75 Parking of VehiclesG-75 Repealing Ordinance regarding Georgian AcresG-75-01 Issuance of Building PermitsG-75-02 Approving Lots 1 2 in Georgian Acres for Commercial UseG-75-03 Building PermitsG-75-04 Regulations of Subdivisions and Land DevelopmentsG-74-01 Regulation regarding Issuing Building PermitsG-74-02 Issuance of Building PermitsG-73-01 Amendments of Regulations of Subdivisions and land devleopmentsG-73-02 Parking on State Road 64G-72-01 Regulation of Subdivisions and Land DevelopmentsG-71-01 Regulating Pool Halls Skating Rings Pawn ShopG-70 Establishing Water RatesG-68-01 Regulating Structures Mobile Homes Garbage etcG-68-02 Services Restrictions to Mobile Home ParkG-67 Deannexing Certain AreasG-67 Extending Corporate LimitsG-66-01 Forbidding use of Town Dump without permitG-64 Defining Term Water For ResaleWordPress Responsive Table