Resolutions R-24-01 A Resolution for Sale of Personal PropertyR-24-02 A Resolution for Disposal of Personal Property Ashley Mariah Playground EquipmentR-24-03 A Resolution for Sale of Personal Proprety - 2006 International Dump TruckRDC- R-24-01 A Resolution of the Redevelopment Commission for The Town of Georgetown, Indiana, Approving the Purchase of Real PropertyR-24-4 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDR-24-06 A RESOLUTION FOR APPROPRIATION REDUCTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024R-24-07- A Resolution for the Appraisal of Real PropertyR-23-01 A Resolution Authorizing the Lease of Real Property under Alternative ProceduresResolution RDC-R-23-01 Resolution Of The Georgetown Redevelopment Commission Approving The Facade Improvement ProgramR-23-02 A Resolution Authorizing The Tender Of An Offer To Purchase Certain Real Property Located Within The Town Of Georgetown Pursant To The Provisions of Indiana CodeR-23-03 A Resoution Adopting Indiana Code 5-23, Authorizing The Release Of A Request For Proposal/Qualifications Under Indiana Code 5-23, And Taking Certain OTher Actions Related TheretoR-23-04 - A Resolution for Sale of Personal PropertyRDC-R-23-02- Executive DirectorR-23-05 A RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-23-06 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE MAIN STREET ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREAR-23-07 A Resolution Ratifying Action and Economic Revitalization AreaR-23-08 A RESOLUTION REGARDING ADOPTION OF ABATEMENT SCHEDULER-23-09 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FOR NCJ&J HOLDING AND OFF THE RAILSR-23-10 A RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-22-01 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2010 CROWN VICR-22-02 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2014 DODGE CHARGERR-22-03 LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WITH OTPTION TO PURCHASE - 9110 ST RD 64R-22-04 RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL & AUTH. TO SIGN AGMT WITH INDOTR-22-05 APPRAISAL OF REAL PROPERTY - 1305 GEORGETOWN-GREENVILLE RDR-22-06 APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY BY RDC ABOVE APPRAISED VALUE"R-22-07 TO REPEAL A PORTION OF R-21-04, TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2004 CROWN VIC"R-22-08 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2004 CROWN VICR-22-09 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENTR-22-12 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE WITHIN THE TOWN OF GEORGETOWN INDIANAR-22-13 A RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-21-01 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTYR-21-02 ACCEPTING SURPLUS PROPERTY FROM CLARKSVILLE PARKS DEPTR-21-03 RELATED TO THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH LAKELAND LAGOON SEWER CORPR-21-04 TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - TWO POLICE CARSR-21-04 TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - TWO POLICE CARS - WITH PROSSER'S RESR-21-05 TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY FROM FLOYD COUNTYR-21-06 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - SCAG MOWERR-21-06 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - SCAG MOWERR-21-07 RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2010 CROWN VIC TO MARENGOR-21-07 RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2010 CROWN VIC TO MARENGO - REPEALED DEC 2021R-21-08 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - 2014 DODGE CHARGERR-21-09 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF GTOWN FIRE DISTRICT 2022 BUDGETR-21-10 TO REPEAL R-21-07 TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-20-01 CHANGE IN OFFICER RANK - TRAVIS SPEECER-20-02 TEMPORARY SALARY ADJUSTMENT - TRAVIS SPEECER-20-03 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-20-03 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - BLAZER & BACKHOER-20-04 RESOLUTION FOR DISPOSAL OF PERSONAL PROPERTYR-20-05 RESOLUTION FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - POLICE RADIOS & SCANNERSR-20-06 APPROVING AND AMENDING THE TOWN'S COMPREHENSIVE PLANR-20-07 WAIVING PROCEDURES AND FORMALITIES DURING DISASTER EMERGENCYR-20-08 TO DECLARE FUND DORMANT AND TO TRANSFER DORMANT FUND BALANCER-20-09 TO CORRECT ERROR AND REIMBURSE MONIES TO FUNDR-20-10 TO ESTABLISH AND APPOINT ADVISORY COMMITTE RE APPT OF TOWN MARSHALR-20-11 RESOLUTION REGARDING RESOLUTION R-20-03 - BACKHOE FUND PLACEMENTR-20-12 APPROVAL OF ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH LAKELAND SEWER CORPR-20-13 A RESOLUTION TO REALLOCATE EXPENSESR-20-14 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF THE DECLARATORY RESOLUTION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ECONOMIC DEV AREAR-19-01 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION SUBMISSION & LOCAL MATCH COMMITMENTR-19-02 TEMPORARY SALARY ADJUSTMENT TRAVIS SPEECER-19-03 TEMPORARY SALARY ADJUSTMENT CHARLES MORGANR-19-04 SIGNED JOINT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER VEHICLE TO LANESVILLER-18-01 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION SUBMISSION AND LOCAL MATCH COMMITMENTR-18-02 APPROVING A TOWN INVESTMENT POLICYR-18-03 APPROVING REFUNDING CERTAIN SEWAGE WORKS REVENUE BONDSR-18-04 THE APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9115 LOIS LNR-18-05 ADOPTING SECOND AMENDED AGREEMENT FOR AIM MEDICAL TRUSTR-18-06 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDSR-18-07 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 9115 LOIS LNR-18-08 AUTHORIZING VACATION CARRY OVER FOR 2018R-18-09 APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT ST RD 64R-18-10 RESOLUTION FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT ST RD 64R-18-11 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION SUBMISSION AND LOCAL MATCH COMMITMENTR-17-01 LOCAL RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLANR-17-02 AUTHORIZING CARRIED OVER VACATION FOR TOWN EMPLOYEESR-17-03 APPROVING CERTAIN AGREE WITH INDIANA AMERICAN WATER AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTSR-17-04 APPROVING CERTAIN MATTERS IN CONNECTION WITH FORMATION OF A CERTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOP AREAPCR17-1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR TOWN AND APPROVING THE RESOLUTION AND PLANECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANRCR17-1 DECLARING AREA IN TOWN AS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ARRPOVING ECONOMIC PLANRCR17-2 CONFIRMING ITS RESOLUTION DECLARING AN AREA IN THE TOWN ECONOMIC DEVELOPOMENT AREA AND APPROVING THE PLANR-16-01 ADOPTING THE FLOYD COUNTY MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION PLANR-16-02 RESOLUTION TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR SRF LOANR-16-03 CATALPA RIDGE BOND RELEASER14-01 Amending Due Process ProcedureR14-02 Authorizing A Claim Catalpa RidgeR14-03 AMENDING R06-14 1.5 INCH WATER METERR-13-01 Indicating an interest to make a purchase of Land or StructureR-13-02 One America Deferred Compensation PlanR-13-03 Establishing Due Process Procedure for Disconneciton of Water ServiceR-13-04 Renaming Engleman St to Dewey Tomes Dr.R-13-05 Acting as the Georgetown Safety Board Pursuant to IN code 36-8-3-4R-12-01 Concerning Government Week-Government DayR-12-02 Use of Carried Over VacationR-12-03 Authorizing Property Exchange with Government EntityR-12-04 Introduction of proposed water rate increaseR-12-05 Town Ratifying Yellow Ambulance Agreement with Floyd CountyR-12-06 Adopting Notice Provisions and Grievance Procedure ADAR-11-01 Use of carried over vacationR-11-02Transferring money from water construction to wate operating fundR-11-03 Property exchange with gov entitiyR-11-04 Introducing Ord G-11-06 decreasing sewer rates set public hearingR-11-05 Interlocal Agreement with Floyd CountyR-11-06 Transfering money from broadband - water const to water operR-10-01 Adopting Fiscal establishing policy certain real estate...R-10-02 Clarifying Ord G-07-02 regards to 3% pay PoliceR-10-04 resinding all public works policies not resolution-ordinance since 1-1-2008R-10-05 Adopting Towns capital improvement planR-10-06 Stipulating that no appeal concerning axxexation will be filedR-10-07 Disposing of surplus property pursuant to IN code 5-22-22-6R-10-08 Rescinding R-09-09 concerning performance bond requirements WWTPR-10-10 Resolution for discontinuation of Broadband servicesR-10-11 Intro Proposed Water Rate IncreaseR-10-13 Use of Tolls on the Ohio River BridgesR-10-14 Disposal of surplus property broadband equipmentR09-01 Interpreting and Defining G09-01R09-02 Policy for Private use of Town Issued Cellular PhonesR09-03 Authorizng Billy Stewart to Application for SRF LoanR09-04 Adopting All Hazards Mitigation PlanR09-05 Sell non-surplus property broadband equipmentR09-06 Interest for Land PurchaseR-09-07 Interest for Land PurchaseR-09-08 Interest for Land Purchase pdfR-09-09 Design Builder ReleaseR-09-10 Amended and Restated interest for Purchase of Landpdf"R-09-11 Establishing Just Compensationfor Real Property under CFR 49, CFR 24"R-09-12 Use of carried over vacationR09-13 Just Compensation for Real Property (Patterson)R09-14 Sell non-surplus property broadband equipmentR-09-15 Just Compensation for Real Property (Youtsey)R-09-16 Additional AppropriationsR-09-17 Approving Hearing for sale on non-surplus property Broadband EquipmentR-09-18 Restated interest for purchase of landR-09-19 Restating Resolution establishing just compensation real propertyR-09-20 Sell non-surplus broadband equipmentR-09-21 Verifying Authorization of design-build contracting methodR-09-22 Appoving preliminary endgineering report for WWTPR-09-23 Accepting preliminary engineering report for WWTPR-09-24 Authorizing use of carried over vacation for identified emp.R08-01 Allowing Gaming Funds to be used to pay off Internet LoanR08-02 Capital Improvement PlanR08-03 Fiscal Plan for Contigious AreaR08-04 Allowing Internet to pay off DiscernityR08-05 Fee for Sewage Works and Set a Public HearingR08-06 REPONSE TO RAMSEY WATER INCREASER08-07 Extension of Time for Repayment of LoansR07-01 Lease with Kansas State BankR07-02 Fiscal Plan for Areas Contiguous and Non ContiguousR07-03 Red-Adopting Fiscal Plan for Contiguous AreasR07-04 Moving Monies from Water Construction to GeneralR07-05 Refinancing of 1998 Sewer BondR07-06 Authorizing Submittal of Community Focus Fund ApplicationR07-07 Fiscal Plan for Proposed Annexation AreaR07-07 Use of Vacation for Identified EmployeeR07-08 Appropritating Additional Monies from New RevenuesR07-09 Close Probationary Period Latterally Transferred OfficerR06-01 Reappropriating Monies from ReservesR06-02 Acknowledge Appraisal of 5335 Old Georgetown RdR06-03 Authorize Purchase and Closing of 5335 Old Georgetown RdR06-04 Deferred Comp Matching PlanR06-05 Authorizing Seal Bid for One Junk VehicleR06-06 Fiscal Plan for Proposed AnnexationR06-07 Reappropriating monies from Rainy DayR06-08 Moving Monies from Gaming to GeneralR06-09 Reimbursement of Temporary Advances from Capital ExpendituresR06-10 Authorizing execution of Mortgage for Sewage BondsR06-11 Creating New Budgetary Line ItemsR06-12 Yard Sale for Items in 5335 Old Georgetown RdR06-13 Appropriating Gaming Monies for Initial Payment of Lease Purchase of BackhoeR06-14 Waiving Monthly Water Minimum for 1.5 Inch MeterR06-15 Appropriating Additional Monies from New RevenuesR06-16 Application for Zoning Change 5335 Old Georgetown RdR06-17 Appropriating Additional Monies from New RevenuesR05-01 Additional AppropriationsR05-02 PER for share in New Albany PlantR05-03 Moving Monies from CCI to GeneralR05-04 Moving Monies from CCI to GeneralR05-05 Accept Preliminary Engineering Report on WWTPR05-06 Appointing an EngineerR05-07 Additional Vacation for EmployeesR05-08 Transfering Monies from CCI to GeneralR05-09 Transfer money from Edit to SanitationR05-10 Fiscal Plan for Annexation Tucker RdR05-11 Fiscal Plan for Rainelle WoodsR05-12 Additional AppropriationsR05-13 Loaning money from Gaming to GeneralR05-14 Transfer monies from Gaming to GeneralR04-01 Land Appraisals for New Police StationR04-02 Acknowledge Land Appraisal of Property at 9000 St Rd 64R04-03 Reverse Auction ProceduresR04-04 Authorizing Sealed Bid to Dispose of three Junk VehiclesR04-05 Capital Improvement PlanR04-06 Designation of Economic Revitalization AreaR04-07 Contribution from Town for Deferred CompR04-08 Designation Economic Revitalization AreaR04-09 Appraisal of 1636 Henriott RdR04-10 Approving Agreement with New Albany for Wastewater TreatmentR04-11 Authorizing Application for SRF LoanR04-12 Master Lease-Purchase AgreementR04-13 Additional AppropriationsR04-14 Interlocal Agreement for Animal ControlR02-01 Land Appraisals for New Town Hall SiteR02-02 Land Appraisals for New Town Hall SiteR01-02 Changing Accounting SoftwareR01-03 Authorizing SRF Loan ApplicationR01-04 Preventing Nuisances on Private PropertyR01-05 Dedicate Payne Drive as Publich Right of WayR01-06 Authorizing Application for SRF LoanR00-01 Authorizing SRF Loan ApplicationR00-02 Transfer of FundsR00-05 Capital Improvement PlanR00-06 Accept Land Appraisal for 583 Baylor Wissman RdR00-07 Accept Land Appraisal for Waterworks ProjectR00-08 Authorizing Offer to Purchase Property for Waterworks ProjectR00-09 Accept Land Appraisal for Water Works ProjectR99-01 Transfering Interest from Water Depost to Water OperatingR99-02 Transfer Year End FundsR99-05 Housing Development Fund ApplicationR99-06 Approving Preliminary Engineer ReportR99-07 Authorizing SRF Loan ApplicationR99-08 Drug and Alcohol Abuse PolicyR99-09 Transfer of the Cable Television FranchiseR98-08 Capital Improvement PlanR98-09 Capital Improvement PlanR98-10 Authorizing Transfer of Interest from Water Deposit to Water OperatingR97-13 Authorizing EncumberancesR97-14 Encumberance of New Equipment FundR97-16 Transfer of FundsR97-17 Transfer of FundsR97-18 Encumberance of Appropriation Office Supplies FundR96-15 Authorizing EncumberancesR95-0 AppropriationsR95-03 Transferring FundsR95-04 Authorizing CFF ApplicationR95-05 Lease Agreement with Indiana Bond BankR95-06 Transferring FundsR95-07 Transferring FundsR95-08 Transferring FundsR94-01 Authorizing Application for GrantsR94-02 TransfersR94-03 TransfersR94-04 PurchasingR94-05 Establishing No Parking for Days of RosaleeR94-05 TransfersR94-07 Interlocal Agreement with Floyd County Solid Waste ManagementR94-08 Microenterprise Application to Department of CommerceR94-09 TransfersR93-01 Transferring FundsR93-02 Fiscal Plan for BrookstoneR93-04 TransfersR92-01 Transferring Funds to Pay for Election SuppliesR92-01A Construction of Sewage Treatment WorksR92-02 Bids for Sewage Works ProjectR92-03 Intent to Reimuburse ExpendituresR92-04 Transferring FundsR92-05 Transferring FundsR92-06 Authorizing Grant ApplicationR92-07 Designating a Blighted AreaR92-08 Transferring FundsR91-12 Grant for Drainage ProblemsR90-01 Application for Financial AssistanceR90-04 TransfersR90-05 Application for Financial AssistanceR90-06 Contract for Fire ProtectionR90-07 Increasing Maximum Levy for Fire ServicesR90-08 TransfersR88 Fiscal Plan for AnnexationR75 Building PerrmitsWordPress Responsive Table